UPDATE: President Trump has hit Google again!
House Leader Kevin McCarthy seconds the tweet:
Left: Deplatform all of the haters!
Also the Left: No one is being censored by Silicon Valley!
I laughed when I saw this Op-Ed in The New York Times :
Ludicrous attack on Big Tech?
Yesterday, President Trump came out and accused Google, Facebook and Twitter of censoring conservatives in the Oval Office:
This is what I found waiting in my Inbox this morning:
It has come to our attention that activity in your Google Pay Account does not comply with our Terms of Service. As a result, your account has been closed. It is our policy to not discuss the specific reasons for an account closure.
Due to the reasons relating to your account closure, no further adjustments will be available on any existing transactions or balances in your account. Please note that per the Google Payments Terms of Service, Google Payment Corp. reserves the right to change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Services at any time, including availability of the Services or any Service feature, without notice and without liability.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
The Google Payments Team”
This is the second time this has happened this week. In fact, Google retaliated against Occidental Dissent within 30 minutes of Trevor Reznik posting that article about Google and The Creepy Line:
“Hi Brad,
It has come to our attention that activity in your Google Pay Account does not comply with our Terms of Service. As a result, your account has been closed. It is our policy to not discuss the specific reasons for an account closure.
Due to the reasons relating to your account closure, no further adjustments will be available on any existing transactions or balances in your account. Please note that per the Google Payments Terms of Service, Google Payment Corp. reserves the right to change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Services at any time, including availability of the Services or any Service feature, without notice and without liability.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
The Google Payments Team”
Google is at war with Alex Jones, President Trump and Occidental Dissent.
I’m genuinely curious to see how many times Google will censor us at the behest of the ADL, SPLC and Antifa between now and the midterm elections. I’ve been banned from Twitter three times. I have also been banned by Venmo, Disqus, Donorbox and Donately as part of the Left’s Silicon Valley censorship campaign. I don’t think I know anyone who hasn’t been censored by Big Tech over the last year. Daily Stormer was the worst case when Google outright stole their domain name.
Note: If you want to support Occidental Dissent (someone is desperately trying to stop you from doing so), the safest, most reliable way is through our P.O. Box. All of these Big Tech platforms are currently colluding at the moment to manipulate and steal the 2018 election.
Some folks think they are the only game in town. Any one ?? with a different view is the enemy and must be crushed.
I spoke my mind on “Next Door Oakhurst.” I got kicked off. What happened to the First Amendment?
Is there an organization that helps White Folks when someone tramples their rights? This woman in stone ? haven got mad ? at me because I said morals have disappeared because Prayers were removed from school. She got real hot when I objected to Men Marrying Men. She thinks that is ok ?.
In other words, I can not express my convictions.
Semper Fi And Good Night Chesty Puller Where Ever You Are!!
The FAGS have been allowed to take over cause Mr. & Mrs. Sheeple have been dumbed down by TV and libtard prof’s at Universities. Solution : A VERY ENLARGED CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA FOR WHITE CHRISTIANS ONLY. ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL. Last night I was thinking … how many white Christian nationalist ‘southern’ sites / blogs are there ? Duke, League, OD, Vdare, Amren, even toss in Stormfront and YouTube – Way of the World and Red Ice TV. BETWEEN THEM ALL … not a single solitary goal. No clear easy to get excited about and memorize and promote GOAL … MOTTO …. PLAN … REASON TO EXIST OTHER THAN TO “NARRATE” WHAT THE APES ARE DOING. Because of this 1. We look stupid. 2. 5 years from now nothing will have changed except things will be much worse. 3. When our children and theirs ask WHY, we’ll have to say what ? I mean you’ld think between ‘The Honorable Eight’ above, SOMEONE would come up with a plan to re-boot The CSA ?!!
You make a vg point about the lack of a clear goal or purpose around which all Southern nationalists can unite. That’s why you should choose an outsider like me to lead you. From my vantage point here on the top floor of the PAN AM building in Midtown Manhattan I can see exactly what your movement needs to succeed. Before you laugh and boo me off the stage just remember that Alexander wasn’t Greek, Napoleon wasn’t French, Stalin wasn’t a Russian and Hitler wasn’t German.
No one’s laughing, in fact we welcome you. ALL white Christians ( and those who can relate to that and not bitch when we put up the 10 commandments and xmas décor, ) conservatives and patriots and southern nationalists … “COME ON DOWN,’ we got ribs biscuits lemonade potato salad apple pie and of course grits. We want you and need you. See the writing on the wall and move now … while the moving’s good !
ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL ( OUR 3 Musketeers = Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and LT. John Mosby. )
“What happened to the First Amendment?”
The Constitution only restrains the general government from censoring political expression. Not private entities.
Furthermore, when these outfits are finally challenged in court, this is exactly what they and their lawyers will argue.
Which is in keeping with their tradition of only respecting the Constitution and Law when it suits their interests, or supports their cause.
This isn’t actually correct, it’s just the argument used by the left all the time.
In reality, because of the way Facebook and Twitter operate, they are classed as public forums, which means they are supposed to be held to the same rules that the government is – they can’t refuse service based on political orientation or perceived political orientation.
another day,
another Trump tweetstorm.
as someone remarked@ VoxDay,
when Trump tweets about something,
you can be sure
nothing will be done about it.
The censorship is very real. My youtube account was suspended within the last 12 months. The thing was, I had not used since 2010 and the only videos I had were collections of Ron Paul, docs about the monetary system, eg by Bill Still and Money as Debt, as well as some funny gun videos. There was absolutely nothing there that was pornographic, not even skimpy and no bloodshed. There was not even a swear word. There was nothing inciting violence whatsoever. The account was later mysteriously reactivated. The point is, the censorship IS REAL. This is only at a personal level. A monkey can see the censorship in everyday searches. Try searching refugee – all you get is MSM poz. Try anything that falls in the racist, sexist, homophobe, islamphobe critical theory vortex and you will see ALL the leftist sites come up. Incredibly and hilariously, snopes still comes up for a fact check too. LOL.
Only in the last few weeks, a site I had newly found, saboteur365 @ WordPress, was deplatformed within a DAY of me reading articles on it. I’m sure they can be found at archive.us, but the material is not that far off what is seen here.
saboteur365 needs to open up a hosting account and press the button to automatically install WordPress. Problem solved.
The funny thing about freedom is that it’s popular.
The Enemy has lost. Their only play left is stealing the election.
The irony of posting a reply comment here at OD on the blog topic of censorship, and then… having it removed only a short time later.
If you think we’re going to vote, blog or write our way out of this predicament we’re in, you’re sorely mistaken.
That’s ok. When you’re ready to admit I was right. I’ll trade you a Bible, a rifle and ammo for your laptop. I’ll hang the laptop on my wall in my study where all who pass will see it as the failed instrument of our salvation so many clung to in the days before the storm.
Not to worry. I watched Trump on TV just this morning addressing google, twitter, and facebook stating he doesn’t want regulation, he wants fairness. I’m so tired of winning.